GO GLOBAL 第8弾 東南アジア・インド編
- 日時
2024年4月4日 (木) 18:00 ~ 21:00(17:45 開場)
- 会場
〒108-0014 東京都港区芝5丁目36番4号札の辻スクエア11F ホール大
(最寄駅:JR田町駅三田口(西口)から徒歩4分 都営三田線・浅草線三田駅A3出口から徒歩4分またはA4出口から徒歩3分)
- 申込方法
・参加費: 無料(要事前申込)
港区立産業振興センター主催、GO GLOBAL 第8弾 東南アジア・インド編
Vertex 東南アジア・インドファンド投資先スタートアップとのオープンイノベーション
港区立産業振興センターは、世界各国のエコシステムや大使館等とともに共創パートナーシッププラットフォーム構築を目指しており、その活動の一環としてセミナー「GO GLOBAL」シリーズを開始いたします。共創パートナーとの連携を基軸とした、日本企業・スタートアップのグローバル展開支援を目的としています。
今回はシンガポール発、超巨大ベンチャーキャピタルである Vertex Holdings の東南アジア・インドファンドマネージングパートナー、Vertex のイノベーションパートナー企業、そして実際に投資先スタートアップの皆様にご登壇いただきます。
スタートアップとの 1 on 1 ミーティングも設けておりますので、ご登録をお忘れなく!
※16:00 – 18:00 スタートアップとの 1 on 1 セッションを別途設けております。
16:00 – スタートアップと事業連携を目的とした1 on 1ミーティング (ご希望の方のみ)
17:45 – イベント開場
18:00 – イベント開始
・The state and forefront of innovation in Southeast Asia + Vertex Holdings introduction
登壇者:Ben Mathias VVSEAI, 下田美由希Vertex Holdings
・Opportunities for SEA & India startups to collaborate with Japanese corporates
・The insight from the global startup in Japan
登壇者:小山元 ABeam Consulting, 越智 一真 NIUM Japan株式会社
・Vertex 投資先スタートアップピッチ
o Certa 社 : Gen AI ドリブンのサードバーティリスクマネジメントプラットフォーム
o Fairatmos 社 : インドネシア初のカーボンオフセットプラットフォーム
o Dedoco 社: ブロックチェーンを活 したセキュアな用SNS/ 書管理プラットフォーム文
o Aruna社:インドネシア最大の水産取引プラットフォーム
o Sirclo社:インドネシア最大のEコマースイネーブラー
20:00 – 懇親会・ネットワーキング (軽食をご用意します)
21:00 – 終了
登壇者: Ben Mathias / Managing Director at Vertex Venture SEA&I
Vertex 東南アジア・インドファンドのマネージングパートナー。2015年にVertexに参画し、コンシューマーインターネット、フィンテック、エンタープライズテクノロジー、デジタルヘルス等様々な領域へ投資。Vertex 東南アジア・インドファンドはGrabや17LIVE(イチナナ)といった一流のスタートアップを、アンカー投資家として育て上げた実績を持つ。2023年9月には、USD541Mで5号ファンドをクローズ。
登壇者:秦由佳 / 株式会社産業革新投資機構 ファンド投資室長 / マネージング・ディレクター
リスクキャピタルの供給を通じた日本の産業競争力の強化、およびPE・VC投資のエコシステムへの醸成に貢献することを志し、2020年7月、産業革新投資機構に入社。それ以前は、ニッセイアセットマネジメントにて、プライベート・エクイティ投資の共同ヘッドとして、欧州中小型バイアウト、GPマイノリティー出資、セカンダリー、国内VC投資を主に担当。 また、野村アセットマネジメント及び野村プライベート・エクイティ・キャピタル(NPEC)に9年間在籍し、投資委員会メンバーとして、NPECが運用するファンド及び口座のグローバル投資案件の評価・意思決定に携わると共に、アジアのチームヘッドとしてアジア地域のプライベート・エクイティ・ファンドの発掘・分析・関係構築を担当した。証券アナリスト協会検定会員。慶応義塾大学環境情報学部卒、HEC経営大学院(フランス)にてMBA取得。
登壇者:小山元 / ABeam Consulting / 執行役員 プリンシパル
登壇者:越智 一真 / NIUM Japan株式会社 / カントリーマネージャー
シンガポール発決済系スタートアップのNIUM(ニウム)で日本地域の事業責任者。 英国の大学を卒業後、Sierで銀行、証券会社等のシステム開発等を担当し、その後、証券/FX会社等でデジタルマーケティング全般における業務を統括。現職以前は、英スタートアップWISEで日本の事業責任者として海外送金サービス及びデビットカードサービス立ち上げ等に従事。
Vertex 東南アジア・インドファンド投資先 登壇スタートアップ
登壇者:Jagmeet Lamba – Founder and CEO, Anup Chamrajnagar – CFO and Head of Operations
Certa Gen AIドリブンのサードバーティリスクマネジメントプラットフォーム
登壇者:Natalia Rialucky Marsudi – CEO
Fairatmos インドネシア初のカーボンオフセットプラットフォーム
登壇者:Jason Williamson – VP of Growth & Partnerships
Dedoco ブロックチェーンを活用したセキュアなSNS/文書管理プラットフォーム
また、最新プロダクトのPing TMは、SNSや電話でのなりすまし詐欺から、消費者や企業を守ることが可能。 2023年におけるなりすまし被害額は約150兆円(GASA Global State of Scams Report -2023)とも想定されており、企業ブランドの既存リスクを防止する。
登壇者: Farid Naufal Aslam – Co-founder and CEO
Aruna インドネシア最大の水産取引プラットフォーム
登壇者:Brian Marchal – Founder and CEO
Sirclo インドネシア最大のEコマースイネーブラー
GO GLOBAL シリーズについて
「GO GLOBAL シリーズ」では、世界各国でご活躍中の方をお招きし、それぞれの地域に特化して、現地の概況や、日本企業/スタートアップとして狙うべきビジネスチャンス、現地トレンドからの示唆、進出のポイントなどについて、生の声と最新の知見を共有いただきます。
共催:Vertex Holdings
企画協力:株式会社グローバ(Agorize Japan)
Hosted by Minato City’s Industry Promotion Center, the eighth session of “GO GLOBAL” Chapter of Southeast Asia & India, a seminar where you can connect with key persons in the start-up ecosystem in countries around the world.
Minato City’s Industry Promotion Center aims to build a co-creation partnership platform together with embassies and ecosystems around the world, and as part of these activities, we are launching the “GO GLOBAL” seminar series. The objective is to support Japanese companies and start-ups in their global expansion based on collaboration with co-creation partners.
■ Programs
What image comes to mind when you hear of the tech system in Southeast Asia and India? In Southeast Asia and India, the start-up market is growing rapidly, and many unicorn companies are being produced. This year’s panelists include the Managing Partner of the Southeast Asia/India Fund of Vertex Holdings, a huge venture capital firm from Singapore, Vertex’s innovation partners, and startups in which Vertex has invested. This is a rare opportunity to learn about the overall tech ecosystem in Southeast Asia and India and explore new business opportunities with the key players driving the market. Don’t forget to register for 1-on-1 meetings with start-ups!
We will have a separate 1-on-1 meetings with start-ups from 16:00 – 18:00.
If you would like to attend, you can register when you register for the event.
16:00- 1 on 1 meeting with startups for business collaboration (upon request)
17:45- Doors open
18:00- Starting
The state and forefront of innovation in Southeast Asia + Vertex Holdings introduction
Speakers: Ben Mathias VVSEAI, Miyuki Shimoda Vertex Holdings
Opportunities for SEA & India startups to collaborate with Japanese corporates
Speaker: Yuka Hata JIC
The insight from the global startup in Japan
Speakers: Gen Koyama, ABeam Consulting, Kazuma Ochi, NIUM Japan
Vertex Invested Startup Pitch
– Certa: Gen AI-driven third-party risk management platform
– Fairatmos: Indonesia’s first carbon offset platform
– Dedoco: Secure SNS and document management platform using blockchain
– Aruna: Indonesia’s largest seafood trading platform
– Sirclo: Indonesia’s largest e-commerce enabler
20:00- Social gathering (light meal will be served)
21:00- Estimated closing time
■ Speakers
◆ Ben Mathias / Managing Director at Vertex Venture SEA&I
Ben Mathias is a Managing Partner at Vertex Venture SEA&I. He joined Vertex in 2015 and has invested in a variety of areas including consumer internet, fintech, enterprise technology, digital health, etc. The Vertex SEA&I Fund has been an anchor investor in leading startups such as Grab and 17Live. In September 2023, he closed his 5th fund with USD541M.
◆ Yuka Hata / Managing Director, Fund Investment Office, Innovation Network Corporation of Japan
Ms. Hata joined INCJ in July 2020 with a vision to contribute to enhancing Japan’s industrial competitiveness through the provision of risk capital and fostering the PE/VC investment ecosystem. Prior to that, she worked at Nissay Asset Management as Co-Head of Private Equity Investment, where she was primarily responsible for European small and mid-cap buyouts, GP minority investments, secondaries, and domestic VC investments. She also spent 9 years at Nomura Asset Management and Nomura Private Equity Capital (NPEC), where she was involved in the evaluation and decision making of global investments for funds and accounts managed by NPEC as a member of the Investment Committee, and as a team head in Asia, she was responsible for responsible for identifying, analyzing and building relationships with private equity funds. She is a member of the Securities Analysts Association of Japan. He holds a B.A. in Environment and Information Studies from Keio University and an MBA from HEC Graduate School of Management (France).
◆ Gen Koyama / ABeam Consulting / Executive Officer, Principal
After working for a domestic consulting firm, Mr. Koyama joined ABeam Consulting in 2005. He has been engaged in overall consulting services mainly for consumer business,
including visioning, business development, strategy formulation, business reform, and system development for a wide range of industries including finance, trading, transportation, distribution, telecommunications, and IT. He leads innovation creation initiatives, including technological innovation in the financial and payment industries, initiatives related to FinTech, and startup collaboration. On the other hand, he is also an advocate of “city planning from the viewpoint of future consumers” and promotes cross-thematic studies, project formation, and support for mobility, tourism, and GX in back casting from a medium- to long-term future vision.
◆ Kazuma Ochi / Country Manager, NIUM Japan
Kazuma Ochi is the Country Manager of NIUM Japan, a payment startup from Singapore. After graduating from a university in the UK, he worked in system development for banks and securities companies at a Sierra Bank, and later managed all aspects of digital marketing for securities and FX companies. Prior to his current position, he was in charge of Japan operations at WISE, a British startup, where he was involved in the launch of an international money transfer service and debit card service.
■ Vertex Southeast Asia/India Fund Investee Startups
※ Please note that the start-ups on the panel may not be able to attend the event due to unforeseen circumstances. We appreciate your understanding.
◆ Certa Gen AI-driven third party risk management platform
Speakers: Jagmeet Lamba – Founder and CEO, Anup Chamrajnagar – CFO and Head of Operation
Solution Overview:
A platform that digitizes GRC (Governance, Risk and Compliance) management for suppliers, partners, customers, etc. By utilizing GenAI, which is a hot topic these days, and digitizing manual processes using paper and Excel, the time required to start trading can be reduced to one-third. In addition, it enables real-time acquisition and management of data related to compliance, supply chain, and ESG, significantly reducing vendor-induced risks.
Examples of cooperating companies:
Manufacturing, IT, pharmaceutical, banking, asset management companies, etc., that operate in global markets and are troubled by complicated and complex vendor and supplier risk management.
◆ Fairatmos Indonesia’s first carbon offset platform
Speaker: Natalia Rialucky Marsudi – CEO
Solution Overview:
Fairatmos has developed a platform to support the creation and sale of nature-based carbon credits in Southeast Asia, particularly in Indonesia.
Examples of cooperating companies:
Energy, electricity, automobile, trading companies, banks, stock exchanges, etc. interested in creating and purchasing voluntary carbon credits.
◆ Dedoco Secure Social Networking and Document Management Platform Using Blockchain
Speaker: Jason Williamson – VP of Growth & Partnerships
Solution Overview:
Provides a transparent and secure SNS/document management platform that uses digital signatures, video signatures, and digital certificates to prevent tampering with documents and communications across systems. It facilitates rapid decision-making in business. In addition, Ping TM, the company’s newest product, can protect consumers and businesses from identity theft fraud via social networking sites and phone calls. It is estimated that the amount of damage from identity theft in 2023 will be approximately 150 trillion yen (GASA Global State of Scams Report -2023), and it prevents existing risks to corporate brands.
Examples of cooperating companies:
Government and local governments, e-commerce companies, courier companies, banks and financial services, telecommunication companies, pharmaceutical companies, etc. that are troubled by spoofed SNS/telephone fraud.
◆ Aruna Indonesia’s Largest Seafood Trading Platform
Speaker: Farid Naufal Aslam – Co-founder and CEO
Solution Overview:
Aruna is the largest seafood trading platform in Indonesia, with over 40,000+ registered fishermen trading 23 types of seafood throughout the country. By eliminating as many middlemen as possible in domestic distribution, the platform provides highly cost-competitive seafood products and enables fishermen to increase their wages. In addition, by managing fishermen and catches at 177 domestic fishing port hubs, traceability is ensured for secure trade.
Examples of cooperating companies:
Trading companies that can become export partners of Aruna’s marine products to Japan, and companies that can provide processing technology in Indonesia.
◆ Sirclo – Indonesia’s largest e-commerce enabler
Speaker: Brian Marchal – Founder and CEO
Solution Overview:
Sirclo is the largest e-commerce enabler in Indonesia, providing a one-stop solution for B-to-C companies in Indonesia, including product registration on an e-commerce platform, promotion, order management, warehouse fulfillment, and shipping. We can handle anything that can be sold on EC, except alcohol products.
Examples of cooperating companies:
BtoC companies that want to start or increase EC sales in Indonesia
■ Recommended for
Those interested in the startup ecosystem in Southeast Asia and India
Those in charge of CVC, corporate innovation, and DX who are interested in overseas startup collaboration
Channel partners who deal with overseas startups as commercial products
■ Event Details
Date and Time: Thursday, April 4, 2024, 18:00 ~ 21:00 (doors open at 17:45)
Venue: Large Hall, 11F Fudanotsuji Square, 5-36-4 Shiba, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-0014, Japan https://goo.gl/maps/CcdSCLHjNsXwfUJD8
Participation Fee: ¥0, but advance registration required.
Off-Line Only: This event is for on-site participation only. Thank you for your understanding.
Please understand the language will be English and Japanese.
We reserve the right to refuse participation for the purpose of sales.
Organizer: Minato Campus Relo Group, designated management group of Minato City’s Industry Promotion Center
Co-organizer: Vertex Holdings
Project in charge of: Campus Create Co.
Planning cooperation: Glova Inc. (Agorize Japan)
■ About “GO GLOBAL” Series
The “GO GLOBAL” Series invites people who are active in various countries around the world to share their real voices and the latest knowledge on local conditions, business opportunities that Japanese companies/start-ups should target, suggestions from local trends, and key points to advance into the market, with a special focus on each region. We are preparing collaborative events with co-creation partners from various regions, so please look forward to these events.

