GO GLOBAL 第7弾 ルクセンブルク編
- 日時
2024年3月25日 (月) 18:15 ~ 21:00(18:00 開場)
- 会場
〒108-0014 東京都港区芝5丁目36番4号札の辻スクエア11F ホール小
(最寄駅:JR田町駅三田口(西口)から徒歩4分 都営三田線・浅草線三田駅A3出口から徒歩4分またはA4出口から徒歩3分)
- 申込方法
・参加費: 無料(要事前申込)
港区立産業振興センター主催、GO GLOBAL 第7弾 ルクセンブルク編
港区立産業振興センターは、世界各国のエコシステムや大使館等とともに共創パートナーシッププラットフォーム構築を目指しており、その活動の一環としてセミナー「GO GLOBAL」シリーズを開始いたします。共創パートナーとの連携を基軸とした、日本企業・スタートアップのグローバル展開支援を目的としています。
18:00 – 開場
18:15 – 開始
18:30 -「ルクセンブルク」x「イノベーションを支える事業環境」
スピーカー:松野 百合子 氏
18:45 -「ルクセンブルク」x「R&D」
ゲストスピーカー:Dr. Olivier ZEPHIR(ルクセンブルクからオンライン登壇)
19:05 -「ルクセンブルク」x「スタートアップエコシステム」
スピーカー:中丸 直哉 氏
19:20 -「ルクセンブルク」x「 アクセラレーションプログラム」
ゲストスピーカー:Thermalytica 篠本 遼 氏
20:00 – 懇親会
21:00 – 懇親会終了
登壇者:松野 百合子 氏
ルクセンブルク貿易投資事務所 エグゼクティブ・ディレクター
登壇者:Dr. Olivier ZEPHIR
Head of business development and innovation
Technoport SA
登壇者:中丸 直哉 氏
ルクセンブルク貿易投資事務所 貿易投資アドバイザー
登壇者:篠本 遼 氏
Thermalytica 経営戦略部 部長
GO GLOBAL シリーズについて
「GO GLOBAL シリーズ」では、世界各国でご活躍中の方をお招きし、それぞれの地域に特化して、現地の概況や、日本企業/スタートアップとして狙うべきビジネスチャンス、現地トレンドからの示唆、進出のポイントなどについて、生の声と最新の知見を共有いただきます。
共催・後援:駐日ルクセンブルク大公国大使館 貿易投資事務所
企画協力:株式会社グローバ(Agorize Japan)
Hosted by Minato City’s Industry Promotion Center, the seventh session of “GO GLOBAL” Chapter of Luxembourg, a seminar where you can connect with key persons in the start-up ecosystem in countries around the world.
Minato City’s Industry Promotion Center aims to build a co-creation partnership platform together with embassies and ecosystems around the world, and as part of these activities, we are launching the “GO GLOBAL” seminar series. The objective is to support Japanese companies and start-ups in their global expansion based on collaboration with co-creation partners.
■ Programs With a population of only 650,000, Luxembourg is located in the heart of Europe and is known as an international and open business center. The government encourages R&D and innovation, and there are particularly strong R&D start-up grants and acceleration programs. Many Japanese companies, such as Fanuc and Rakuten, have established operations here, and Japanese space start-up ispace is working on a lunar rover in Luxembourg. Thermalytica, a developer of innovative insulation materials, was the first Japanese start-up to be selected for an acceleration program offered by the Luxembourg government and has been working on its European expansion since January this year.
In this seminar, we will introduce the attractiveness of Luxembourg, its startup ecosystem, examples of European expansion through R&D by various companies, and the background of innovation creation. In addition, Thermalytica, which is currently participating in the country’s flagship acceleration program Fit4Start, will be invited to talk about their real-life experiences in Luxembourg and the company’s European expansion.
Attending the seminar is an excellent opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the Luxembourg business environment, explore the possibilities for expansion in Europe, and build new networks. All interested parties are welcome to attend.
18:00 – Doors open
18:15 – Starting
18:30 – “Luxembourg” x “Business Environment Supporting Innovation”
Speaker: Ms. Yuriko Matsuno
18:45 – “Luxembourg” x “R&D
Guest Speaker: Dr. Olivier Zephir (speaking online from Luxembourg)
19:05 – “Luxembourg” x “Startup Ecosystem”
Speaker: Mr. Naoya Nakamaru
19:20 – “Luxembourg” x “Acceleration Programs”
Guest Speaker: Mr. Ryo Shinomoto, Thermalytica
20:00 – Social gathering
21:00 – Estimated closing time
◆Ms. Yuriko Matsuno
Executive Director, Luxembourg Trade & Investment Office
◆Dr. Olivier Zephir
Head of business development and innovation, Technoport SA
Trade & Investment Advisor, Luxembourg Trade & Investment Office
Head of Business Strategy Department, Thermalytica
■ Recommended for
Those who are interested in expanding their business to Europe
Those who are interested in tech events and acceleration programs in Luxembourg
Those who are interested in collaborating with or investing in Luxembourg start-ups
Those who are interested in collaboration and open innovation with Luxembourg universities, research institutions and companies
Those who are interested in building a network of Luxembourg-related businesses
■ Event Details
Date and Time: Monday, March 25, 2024, 18:15 ~ 21:00 (doors open at 18:00)
Venue: Small Hall, 11F Fudanotsuji Square, 5-36-4 Shiba, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-0014, Japan https://goo.gl/maps/CcdSCLHjNsXwfUJD8
Participation Fee: ¥0, but advance registration required.
Off-Line Only: This event is for on-site participation only. Thank you for your understanding.
Organizer: Minato Campus Relo Group, designated management group of Minato City’s Industry Promotion Center
Co-organizer: Luxembourg Trade & Investment Office
Project in charge of: Campus Create Co.
Planning cooperation: Glova Inc. (Agorize Japan)
■ About “GO GLOBAL” Series
The “GO GLOBAL” Series invites people who are active in various countries around the world to share their real voices and the latest knowledge on local conditions, business opportunities that Japanese companies/start-ups should target, suggestions from local trends, and key points to advance into the market, with a special focus on each region. We are preparing collaborative events with co-creation partners from various regions, so please look forward to these events.

■ Minato City’s Industry Promotion Center
The Industry Promotion Center is a facility that serves as a “future-development industrial promotion base” that
brings together “the power of companies, people, and communities” and provides the latest information and
technology. It opened in April 2022 in Fuda-no-tsuji Square, with a co-working space and a business support factory on the 9th floor, and can be used as a base for start-ups, entrepreneurs, freelancers, teleworkers, and those engaged in open innovation. It provides an environment where users can interact and collaborate with each other to promote open innovation and gather the latest business support information.