【GO GLOBAL 第5弾 スイス編】

  • 日時

    日時: 2023年11月27日 (月) 18:30 ~ 21:00(18:15 開場)

  • 会場

    〒108-0014 東京都港区芝5丁目36番4号札の辻スクエア11F ホール小
    (最寄駅:JR田町駅三田口(西口)から徒歩4分 都営三田線・浅草線三田駅A3出口から徒歩4分またはA4出口から徒歩3分)



  • 申込方法



    ◆参加費無料・要事前申し込み ◆このイベントは会場参加のみとなります。Zoomオンライン参加はできません。ご理解よろしくお願いいたします。







港区立産業振興センター主催、【GO GLOBAL 第5弾 スイス編】世界各国におけるスタートアップエコシステムのキーパーソンと繋がるセミナー。



その活動の一環としてセミナー「GO GLOBAL」シリーズを開始しました。








  • スイスへの進出にご興味を持たれている方
  • スイスのスタートアップ企業と連携したい、または投資をしたいと考えている方
  • スイスの大学・研究機関・企業とのオープンイノベーションに興味を持たれている方
  • スイス関連ビジネスのネットワーク構築に興味を持たれている方









18:15 – 開場
18:30 – 開始
18:45 – スイスの概略と日本との類似点 / 相違点
19:00 – スイスの経済、およびイノベーションの強さを支える秘密
19:30 – スイス・イノベーションクラスターとスイス・スタートアップ のご紹介
19:50 – 懇親会
21:00 – 懇親会終了



■ GO GLOBAL シリーズについて
「GO GLOBAL シリーズ」では、世界各国でご活躍中の方をお招きし、それぞれの地域に特化して、現地の概況や、日本企業/スタートアップとして狙うべきビジネスチャンス、



登壇者: 森 健 氏

株式会社野村総合研究所 未来開発センター デジタル社会研究室長



登壇者: 松田 俊宏 氏

在日スイス大使館 スイス・ビジネス・ハブ 投資促進部長
1999年より米国大使館商務部・情報通信機器担当専門官として、米国のITベンチャー企業の対日進出を支援。2009年から、オランダ外国企業投資誘致局・プロジェクトマネージャーとして、日本企業のオランダ投資を促進。2012年より、在日スイス大使館 スイス・ビジネス・ハブ 投資促進部門で日本企業の欧州での事業展開・スイスでの会社設立等のコンサルティングサービス、およびスイスの大学、研究機関、企業とのオープンイノベーションの促進を担当し、2019年より現職。




主催:港区立産業振興センター指定管理者 みなと・キャンパス・リログループ

企画協力:株式会社グローバ (Agorize Japan)  











Hosted by Minato City’s Industry Promotion Center, the fifth session of “GO GLOBAL” Chapter of Switzerland,
a seminar where you can connect with key persons in the start-up ecosystem in countries around the world.
Minato City’s Industry Promotion Center aims to build a co-creation partnership platform together with
embassies and ecosystems around the world, and as part of these activities, we are launching the
“GO GLOBAL” seminar series. The objective is to support Japanese companies and start-ups in their global
expansion based on collaboration with co-creation partners.



■ Programs

Switzerland is an innovation powerhouse that has topped the Global Innovation Index for 12 consecutive years,
according to the rankings published by the World Intellectual Property Organization. This is evidenced not only
by the speed at which innovative technologies are developed at world-class universities and research institutes,
but also by the growth rate of start-ups spun off from these technologies. The Swiss Business Hub will introduce
Swiss start-ups as well as the background and examples of innovation creation in Switzerland, a country with
world-leading technology in various fields and high competitiveness, and the business affinity with Japan.
This is a great opportunity to explore the possibilities of open innovation and build new networks.



18:15 – Doors open
18:30 – Starting
18:45 – Overview of Switzerland, and similarities / differences with Japan
19:00 – The secrets behind Switzerland’s economic and innovation strength
19:30 – Introduction to the Swiss innovation cluster and Swiss start-ups
19:50 – Social gathering
21:00 – Estimated closing time



■ Speakers

◆ Mr. Takeshi Mori
General Manager / Senior Researcher of Digital Society Research Office,
Center for Strategic Management & Innovation, Nomura Research Institute, Ltd.
Mr. Mori received his M.A. in Economics from the London School of Economics (LSE), where he specialized
in digital economy and global business environment analysis. From 2012 to 2018, he served as Program
Director of “Management Strategy Course for Top Management” and “Management Strategy Course for
Women Leaders” at Nomura Management School. His publications include “Digital Capitalism” (winner of
the 2019 Okawa Publishing Award), “Digital National Wealth Theory” (both edited by Toyo Keizai Inc.), and
“Global Business Management” (Chuokeizai Inc.).


◆ Mr. Toshihiro Matsuda
Head of Investment Promotion, Swiss Business Hub Japan, Embassy of Switzerland.
Since 1999, he has served as a Specialist in Information Technology and Telecommunications Equipment
at the U.S. Commercial Service of the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo, assisting U.S. IT start-ups in their expansion
into Japan. Since 2012, he has been in charge of providing consulting services to Japanese companies in
Europe and establishing companies in Switzerland, as well as promoting open innovation with Swiss
universities, research institutions, and companies.



■ Recommended for

Those who are interested in expanding your business to Switzerland
Those who are interested in collaborating with or investing in Swiss start-ups
Those who are interested in open innovation with Swiss universities, research institutes and companies
Those who are interested in building a network of Swiss-related businesses.



■ Event Details

Date and Time: Monday, November 27, 2023, 18:30 ~ 21:00 (doors open at 18:15)
Venue: Small Hall, 11F Fudanotsuji Square, 5-36-4 Shiba, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-0014, Japan
Participation Fee: ¥0, but advance registration required.
Off-Line Only: This event is for on-site participation only. Thank you for your understanding.


Organizer: Minato Campus Relo Group, designated management group of Minato City’s Industry Promotion Center
Co-organizer: Embassy of Switzerland in Japan (Swiss Business Hub – SBH)
Project in charge of: Campus Create Co.
Planning cooperation: Glova Inc. (Agorize Japan)



■ About “GO GLOBAL” Series

The “GO GLOBAL” Series invites people who are active in various countries around the world to share
their real voices and the latest knowledge on local conditions, business opportunities that Japanese
companies/start-ups should target, suggestions from local trends, and key points to advance into the
market, with a special focus on each region. We are preparing collaborative events with co-creation
partners from various regions, so please look forward to these events.











コワーキング詳細    ファクトリー詳細    設置機器一覧    見学会のご予約    会員登録のご案内      













Minato City’s Industry Promotion Center

The Industry Promotion Center is a facility that serves as a “future-development industrial promotion base” that brings together “the power of companies, people, and communities” and provides the latest information and technology. It opened in April 2022 in Fuda-no-tsuji Square, with a co-working space and a business support factory on the 9th floor, and can be used as a base for start-ups, entrepreneurs, freelancers, teleworkers, and those engaged in open innovation. It provides an environment where users can interact and collaborate with each other to promote open innovation and gather the latest business support information.