【GO GLOBAL 第4弾 カナダ編】

  • 日時

    2023年11月1日 (水) 17:30 ~ 21:00(17:15 開場)

  • 会場

    〒108-0014 東京都港区芝5丁目36番4号札の辻スクエア11F ホール小
    (最寄駅:JR田町駅三田口(西口)から徒歩4分 都営三田線・浅草線三田駅A3出口から徒歩4分またはA4出口から徒歩3分)



  • 申込方法



    会場内で 「英語 → 日本語」 同時通訳をしますので、ご希望の方はお持ちのデバイスにZoomをダウンロードして頂き、










港区立産業振興センター主催、【GO GLOBAL 第4弾 カナダ編】世界各国におけるスタートアップエコシステムのキーパーソンと繋がるセミナー。



その活動の一環としてセミナー「GO GLOBAL」シリーズを開始しました。








● カナダ西海岸 バンクーバーを中心としたブリティッシュコロンビア州への進出にご興味を持たれている方
● カナダの CleanTech スタートアップ企業と連携したい、または投資をしたいと考えている方
● カナダの CleanTech 関連企業の動向に興味を持たれている方
● カナダの農業、バイオ経済、建築、CCUS、エネルギー、電力、水の分野に興味を持たれている方






今回のイベントでは、BC州を本拠地とする CleanTech 分野に特化したアクセラレーター ForesightのCEOであるJeanette Jackson氏をお招きし、


※ 7つのセクター:農業、バイオ経済、建築、CCUS、エネルギー、電力、水



17:15 – 開場
17:30 – カナダBC州とCleanTechについて
    □ バンクーバーを中心としたBC州の産業と日本との関係
    □ カナダにおけるCleanTechハブとしてのBC州の位置づけ
18:30 – CleanTechスタートアップ企業の紹介
19:30 – 懇親会
21:00 – 懇親会終了



■ GO GLOBAL シリーズについて
「GO GLOBAL シリーズ」では、世界各国でご活躍中の方をお招きし、それぞれの地域に特化して、現地の概況や、日本企業/スタートアップとして狙うべきビジネスチャンス、



登壇者: Mr. Ryo Tokunaga: Managing Director – Japan, Government of British Columbia

カナダ ブリティッシュコロンビア州政府 在日事務所、マネージング・ディレクター



登壇者: Ms. Jeanette Jackson: CEO – Foresight Canada

大企業のオープンイノベーション活動も支援している。自身も起業家であり、企業の事業再編の経験も併せ持つ。現在は、Foresight CEOとして、バイオエネルギー、電気自動車、






主催:港区立産業振興センター指定管理者 みなと・キャンパス・リログループ
共催:カナダ ブリティッシュコロンビア州政府
後援:カナダ大使館 商務部、Foresight CAC、一般財団法人海外投融資情報財団

企画協力:株式会社グローバ (Agorize Japan)  










Hosted by Minato City’s Industry Promotion Center, the fourth session of “GO GLOBAL” Chapter of Canada,
a seminar where you can connect with key persons in the start-up ecosystem in countries around the world.
Minato City’s Industry Promotion Center aims to build a co-creation partnership platform together with
embassies and ecosystems around the world, and as part of these activities, we are launching the
“GO GLOBAL” seminar series. The objective is to support Japanese companies and start-ups in their
global expansion based on collaboration with co-creation partners.



■ Recommended for

Those interested in expanding into British Columbia with a focus on Vancouver on Canada’s West Coast.
Those who are interested in working with or investing in Canadian CleanTech start-ups.
Those who are interested in the Canadian CleanTech landscape.
Those who are interested in Canada’s agriculture, bioeconomy, construction, CCUS, energy, power, and
water sectors.



■ Programs

Canada has been attracting global attention in recent years in the fields of AI, quantum computing,
and climate change, and many collaborations with Japanese business and academic communities
have been created. Among these, the province of British Columbia (BC), which capital is Vancouver
on the west coast, has been pursuing the policies of the natural environment and climate change
for a long time, and start-ups that address environmental challenges and decarbonization from
an early stage grew up and many of them are well-known in North America.
At this event, Jeanette Jackson, CEO of Foresight, a BC-based accelerator specializing in the CleanTech
sector, will introduce 20 companies that have been working on environmental issues and decarbonization
in seven sectors over the past decade, we would like to take the first step in building relationships with
Japanese companies.
Seven sectors: agriculture, bioeconomy, construction, CCUS, energy, electric power, and water.


17:15 – Doors open
17:30 – About BC Canada and CleanTech
    □ BC industry centered on Vancouver and its relationship with Japan
    □ Positioning of BC as a CleanTech hub in Canada
18:30 – Introduction of CleanTech start-up companies
19:30 – Social gathering
21:00 – Estimated closing time



■ Speakers

◆ Mr. Ryo Tokunaga:
Managing Director – Japan, Government of British Columbia
◆ Ms. Jeanette Jackson:
CEO – Foresight Canada
Ms. Jackson has a broad range of expertise in CleanTech, including business strategy, business
development, and marketing. As the head of Canada’s largest CleanTech accelerator, she has been
involved in the growth of many companies while also supporting the open innovation activities of
large corporations. As an entrepreneur herself, she has experience in corporate restructuring.
Currently, as CEO of Foresight, she advises more than 25 start-ups in a variety of markets including
bioenergy, electric vehicles, smart buildings, water technology, robotics, and wind power, and serves
as an advisor to start-ups, industry, investors, and government agencies.



■ Event Details

Date and Time: Wednesday, November 1, 2023, 17:30 ~ 21:00 (doors open at 17:15)


Venue: Small Hall, 11F Fudanotsuji Square, 5-36-4 Shiba, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-0014, Japan


Participation Fee: ¥0, but advance registration required.


Event interpretation: “English → Japanese” simultaneous interpretation will be provided, so we would like
you to download Zoom to your device and bring earphones if you wish to attend.


Off-Line Only: This event is for on-site participation only. Zoom will only be utilized on-site for simultaneous interpretation purposes and online participation will not be available. Thank you for your understanding.


Organizer: Minato Campus Relo Group, designated management group of Minato City’s Industry Promotion Center
Co-organizer: Government of British Columbia
Cooperator: Trade Commissioner Service office – Embassy of Canada to Japan,
Foresight Canada, Japan Institute for Overseas Investment (JOI)
Project in charge of: Campus Create Co.
Planning cooperation: Glova Inc. (Agorize Japan)



■ About “GO GLOBAL” Series

The “GO GLOBAL” Series invites people who are active in various countries around the world to share
their real voices and the latest knowledge on local conditions, business opportunities that Japanese
companies/start-ups should target, suggestions from local trends, and key points to advance into the
market, with a special focus on each region. We are preparing collaborative events with co-creation
partners from various regions, so please look forward to these events.











コワーキング詳細    ファクトリー詳細    設置機器一覧    見学会のご予約    会員登録のご案内      













Minato City’s Industry Promotion Center

The Industry Promotion Center is a facility that serves as a “future-development industrial promotion base”
that brings together “the power of companies, people, and communities” and provides the latest information
and technology. It opened in April 2022 in Fuda-no-tsuji Square, with a co-working space and a business
support factory on the 9th floor, and can be used as a base for start-ups, entrepreneurs, freelancers,
teleworkers, and those engaged in open innovation. It provides an environment where users can interact
and collaborate with each other to promote open innovation and gather the latest business support information.